First off does it loss any quality? and second is there a good MKV to WMV converter? I have some MKV HD movie files i am trying to do and cant seem to get them right. I want them to play on my xbox 360. Anyone have any suggestions?
"First off does it loss any quality?" Yes "second is there a good MKV to WMV converter?" Doubt it WMV is not a very widely used format these days. You cn however get ConverXtoDVD which will make it into, and burn it to a DVD if you have a DVD burner on your PC.
It does not lose quality. Newer version of Windows Movie maker with the MKV codecs installed will let you import the movie, and publish it as an HD-WMV, the size should be about the same and the quality is identicle. It's more widely used than MKV that is for sure, or I should say, more widely supported, an HD-WMV will play on most any HD video streamer, while practically nothing plays MKV's.
I have vista and windows movie maker but it wont let me import the MKV files. WMM dont support MKV files. Can anyone just give me like a list of what i need to download or do to get these MKV files to WMV? I am pretty new at this so the easier the better. Thanks
Any_Video_Converter is a free software that will do what you need. Here is the link. for the website direct link download Super , another free converter, will do the same. Super "looks' somehow more complicated, but i think Super is more verstile.
Ok i will give that a try I have downloaded so many programs in the last week its hard to keep up with them. Thanks though i will let you know how it turns out
I know how you feel. There is so much junk out there. I only settle for freebies, as I discovered that for almost any project, there is a free tool that does the job( and I mean freeware, not free as in pirated!). If you want to convert to DVD format, DVD Flick is a great free program, and if you have subs, it will take care of them also;supports many input formats:
thanks again i tried it lastnight and it converted great. Just gonna put it to an data dvd and try it. Some of my WMV files are subbed any way to take them out?
There is no way to take out the hardcoded subs once you convert to wmv.You can remove the subtitles from the MKV file before conversion. Which program did you use?
the any video converter. The WMV file i want to take the subs of I didnt convert it it was already WMV. Still no way to get the subtitles off? Thanks alot cyprusrom I have been trying this for weeks now. But when i changed the MKV to an WMV i just put it to a data disc and it still says its a MKV file it wont play it?
well sorry i found my WMV file i changed from MKV and it lost all quality. It compressed everything. It was in HD but now it looks like crap. Am I doing something wrong
If you have an AVi, WMV...file with embedded subtitles, they cannot be removed. The only time you have an option is if the wmv file comest with a separate subs file, ten you have the option to play it or not. Are you sure you put on the disc the WMV file and not the MKV? they probably have the same name, just different extension.
If you use Super instead, it has options for converting to higher bitrate , wich will output higher quality. The higher, the better. Having a HD file, I would use Flick and convert to DVD. Set to "high Quality"-2 pass and you should get an excellent DVD.
You can try extracting the audi, video, subs from the MKV and repack it as an AVI without loss of quality.
thanks but i just cant seem to find a way to convert the MKV files to WMV still everything i use losses quality