mod chip programing

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by blackdog, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. blackdog

    blackdog Guest

    i need to know how to program a blank xbox mod chip if there is a website that tells how to do it plz list it here
  2. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    What chip, each is alittle different. Do you have an external programmer?
  3. blackdog

    blackdog Guest

    a what
  4. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    Most chips also offer the option to buy a programmer that connects to your PC printer port.
  5. blackdog

    blackdog Guest

    i have know idea on how to program a mod chip can anyone help
  6. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    For Team Xodus chips go here:
    For Team Xecuter chips go here:


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