Hey guys. I have an XBox that I purchased which doesn't have a hard drive at all. The XBox will power up if I place a backup hard drive I have from another XBox, but of course I get an error 5 or error 6. I've even gotten error 16 once or twice. I have no way of getting the eeprom from this XBox. I am looking for the CHEAPEST way possible to get this XBox up and running again. I am looking at the Duo2 Mod Chip since it so cheap and it looks like it may work. My brother will do all the soldering for me. So my question is simply this: Before I purchase this modchip, is their any guarantees that I can get this thing to work? And I have visited their website and read their info about installing it. I have determined that I have a 1.6 Version XBox. I went and downloaded the +M8 Bios that they told me download, but it is only 256KB in size. The tutorial states that I need a 512KB Bios. Does anyone have any ideas for this? If I get this chip and install it... then all I should have to do is put in this bios CD and flash the bios. Then the XBox should work with any hard drive. Right? Please let me know if you can so I don't waste anymore money on this thing. Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks guys.
My bad. I weren't sure where I was supposed to post this. I also posted another question in the other thread. I apologize once again. Someone can delete this post.