Modded box has worked for years, 1 change and now no display

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by vernonm79, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. vernonm79

    vernonm79 Guest

    Thank you for reading about my problem, hope you can help.

    I have a modded Xbox with an x3 chip. Everything has worked fine for several years. I was in the setting one day "I think it was the settings for the O/S" and I ended up changing a display setting. When I rebooted my box the display setting must have been wrong because now there is no picture. I have sound and I know that it loads the O/S because I know the menu sound when I move the joystick.
    I have tried to FTP into the box and reload the contents of the "c" partition but that did not help.
    I have tried booting directly to the mod chip by holding down the white button on the controller when I power it on, that did not work either.
    Would the display setting that I changed be set on the HDD or the mod chip? How do I fix? Replace the HDD, reformat the HDD? Do I need a new do I need to start from scratch with a new unflashed chip?
    Any suggestions would be helpful.
  2. vernonm79

    vernonm79 Guest

    Also, I beleive that the O/S "dash board" that I am using is uleashx, it has been so long since I have done any of this so please forgive my stupidity.
  3. LiveChaos

    LiveChaos Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    I haven't modded a box for years, but it sounds like you just made a resolution change your TV can't handle, which has nothing to do with your mod chip. If I'm not mistaken, the instructions for resetting display are in the manual.
  4. LiveChaos

    LiveChaos Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    I haven't modded a box for years, but it sounds like you just made a resolution change your TV can't handle, which has nothing to do with your mod chip. If I'm not mistaken, the instructions for resetting display are in the manual.
  5. vernonm79

    vernonm79 Guest

    I take it you are talking about an unleashx manual?

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