[Modding Help] Renaming Xbox Games

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by iM0D, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. iM0D

    iM0D Guest

    Alright, before you start flaming, yes I have used the search button and have searched around for at least an hour. I have not found any to my help yet. What I am wondering is how do you change the name of your Xbox game that you burn to your harddrive.
    Example: Downloaded Halo 2 Killtrocity Map pack, works fine. It shows up as Halo 2 under the "Games" folder. I have Evox.
    I am pretty sure you can change the name of the game somehow. I have came to the thought that you have to use a program to change the name, or edit the .XBE file which I have no idea how to.
    The only reason I want to change the name is because I am adding other map packs to go on there.

    Thanks for viewing this!
  2. DavGerm4

    DavGerm4 Active member

    May 25, 2006
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    Well, you could access your HDD via FTP, and right-click on the "Halo 2" file, and click rename. It shouldn't be that difficult on renaming your files. This is how I renamed my files.

    Also, when you copy the game to your Xbox, are you using DVD2XBOX? Because, before you copy it to the system, you can press X on the controller to change the Path Name. This is another way of renaming the file, before it's even copied to the system.
  3. jombee

    jombee Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    the name that comes up is coded in the xbe.
    The Avalaunch dash can rewrite this from the main menu by pressing the start button over the icon.
    there has to be a program that will do this if you're running a different dash.
    Unleash dashboard also has this feature.

    if you're not using either of these dashboards, try it on whatever you are running.

    just hit start where you would ordinarily hit A to run the game

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