Like you read in the subject line, I'm planning on hardmodding my xbox with the xecuter 3ce today... i will be following this guide: ... my xbox version btw is 1.3 so anywho, do i need to prep before i start or do i just go soldering away?... should i do anything software-wise before i begin cracking it open and beginning.
Since you don't have to worry about the LPC rebuild, you should be OK so long as you know how to solder and have a good TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED soldering station. You could get away with a cheap soldering iron, but you need to be very careful to use just enough heat and not tear away the solder pads and traces. Other than that, you can't go too wrong with the X3. It would be good to test your DVD drive to see if you can load the BIOS and installation apps via DVD. You can test it by seeing if your Xbox can read burned movies or burned CD's and find a brand and type of media your xbox is happy with. That removes one more unknown if you cannot flash the X3 BIOS or cannot load dashboards.