hey i cant find a awnser to my question..how do you get online with mods???can someone help or just give me a WORKING link plz..sorry for being newbish...or email me at [just kidding] p.s. i know how to mod n everything ive been doin it for quite some time just with my friends but now i want to get on live (just for custom games in halo 2 not matchmaking_
If it's a softmodded Xbox, you can't,if you have a mod chip then you have to turn it off to be able to go on live! The only way that i know of softmodded xbox going on is just put the linux installer game save on the hard drive and load 007,or whatever game you have then load the save game, then ftp the maps over to your xbox, once done that, restart your xbox, delete unleashed X from regular ms Dash, then load up halo 2 and your done! WARNING! You Will Be Banned In 6 Hrs evn if playing in Custom, Trust Me! I threw away 90$ That Way And It sucks! By Any Chance, do you have a spare 2 month so i can play MM? P.S. I don't mod halo2 anymore