yes, you will need a usb drive to spare. get a cheap 64mb one and then make an adapter so you can plug it into your xbox controler ports. Then get the linux installer and the linux game save, and put them on your memory card.
One problem though, since its a usb drive formatted for pc when the xbox finds the usb drive connected it wont recognize it. The xbox will reformat and all the game saves you loaded from your pc will be lost. Have you done it mike? I tried and it didnt work for me so I ended buying action replay. Its less hassle if you get a chip though but you'll need to know what to do with it because a bad flash and it can screw your xbox as well.
i,ve done it with a memory card and with an ipod(took hours to get the ipod able to play music again, and i would not suggest doing this)
get action replay update online and format the usb drive to xbox format. then use action replay. it worked for me
There is another way. If you have a friend with a modded xbox you can copy all of the file directly to your hdd. Here is a] on connecting your xbox hdd to your xbox. Note that this way is risky because it includes unplugging and plugging ide cables while the xbox is on so be cautious. I have done it before and it saved my xbox.
its pointless to copy the files from someone elses xbox it takes way too long. just download a softmod installer and hot swap. use thereturn's tutorial on how to hotswap.