Hi, I installed mandriva on an old machine here and have been using it for a few days now. I've been having a problem with my moniter switching its self off every now and again, leaving me no choice but to pull the plug and reboot. The screen goes black and displays a message (from the moniter, not linux) stating "moniter out of frequency" shows the HF and VF frequncies and shows what it should be running at: HF 30-70khz VF 50-160hz I read somewhere that I need to run this command from konsole vi /etc/X11/xorg.config and then edit the settings. Running the command is no prob but I dont understand how or what I'm supposed to edit, I dont see any HF or VF values anywhere to change, just a konsole window with ~ down the left hand side and a file path or something at the bottom. can anyone please help me out here? EDIT OK I just got a big fat book on unix/linux I was typing config when I should have typing conf so I brought up the visual editer and found the settings and changed them in Insert mode. problem solved.