help please. For some reason, since yesterday, when I turn my pc on, after 10 mins my screen starts to get pixel lines on it. Then when i open goggle for example, the screen is fine. Even as I type this, this page is fine yet my desktop ans aol home page both look pixelated. I've checked the connections and they seem to be fine. All the drivers have been updated. Nothin has changed from the day before yesterday when everything was fine. Any ideas please
Any chance you can try the PC on another monitor? Check the graphics card is seated correctly if it is a seperate card and not onboard. Check the cable is seated correctly, and on the monitor side aswell. Uninstall the graphics card/drivers and reinstall it.
Tried all of the above twice just be be sure and its still doing it. I connected it to the tv and it happens on there too. Any more ideas as I don't really want to pay pc worlds sky high prices for a fix Thanks
try pulling of your video card clean slot and reseated!! do the same with your memory you can clean both with a no.2 pencil eraser (on golden filaments). if still not work try either you vga card on other machine or another on yours i think is a memory or vga issue
Usually pixelation do point to a possible memory issue on the graphics card/thermal problems. Have you any sort of cooler/fan attached to the card at all? Do you know what aperature size is set in the BIOS?
yes there is a fan attached to the card. I'm not sure what aperature size is set in the would I find that out ? I have a spare graphics card old Radeon 9200 se. Would it be worth trying that and seeing if I still get the propblem ?
got the other card in now and its been fine for hours. Is there anything that I can do with the other one other than through it in the bin ?
either throw it in the garbage or keep as a spare test card but remember the problem with it if you forget in the future
As ddp suggests, worthwhile keeping hold of it as a spare. Or sell it on ebay, although you probably won't get mych for it........