Is the moonshell frame seek really slow, or is it just me? When I run movies they look fine - the sound is sync'd and the video looks great. However, when I try and fast forward on the touch screen it takes FOREVER to skip forward. Shows this loading bar thats like 10 minutes to complete. I'm converting my movies with batchdpg using 256 x 192 resolution with 20 fps. Also, is there no actual movie control panel? It seems I can only pause with the L button and randomly get this 'seek frame...' to show up with the stylus.
That is normal. It really depends on how far you want it to go to. Remember that the DS is not really a power-house media wise.
It's wierd - I just tried a different movie out of curiousity and it works 1000% better loading the 'frame seek...' in seconds. The other movie still takes 10 minutes or so. Any ideas?