I've taken out the Audio in VirtualDubMod as a Full WAV file then converted to MP2 with Besweet. Then encoded the avi file, using the MP2 file as audio in TMPGEnc. Then i've authored using DVD-Lab, using the .M2V and .WAV file TMPGEnc has given me. But, the audio slowly slips during the file and nearer the end its around 3-4 secs out. Should i be using the MP2 file (from BeSweet) in DVD-Lab instead of the .WAV file TMPGEnc has given me? Any help would be gratefully recieved ...
Should you open the AVI with VirtualDub it would give you the warning to re-encode the sound or the movie would become out-of-sync. Read http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/129217. Yes, BeSweet is THE choice.
I have a difficult time recommending besweet. It's been known to produce non-compliant AC3, not to mention it's mickey mouse interface. Belite(light?) may be slightly better. Prefer ffmpeggui.
I don't know the application you suggest. But BeSweet + BeSweet GUI are complete and windows-style. Why producing AC3? (S)VCDs or DIV use MP2 sound.
Yes, but DVD uses AC3. You might try using the MP2 file that BeSweet gave you. You should probably stay away from converting your audio stream more than once.
I suggested ffmpeggui, because it's very simple (great for noob's) interface. Select input, select bitrate, select output, click GO. Belight (which I just tried for the first time in some DD5.1 experiments) seems to work equally well, but I'm still unsure of it's AC3 output. I tend to get stuck on DVD stuff, and forget that people still might actually WANT a VCD. <grin> The OP did say he's authoring with DVDLab, hence my suggestion to use ffmpeggui to get compliant AC3 (fully dvd spec), which DVDLab will work with perfectly.
Right, i've now discovered the problem is DVD-Lab. I've used TMPGEncDVD Author and the movie is perfectly in sync with the Audio. I'm going to have a go with ffmpeggui to convert to AC3 and try DVD-Lab again ( i hate being beaten !! ). Thanks for the advice.