more graphics cards

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by JamPiece, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. JamPiece

    JamPiece Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Hi all

    After putting a new hard drive in my PC, and effectivly starting from scratch again, I now am experiencing scrambled sound when playing PC games, and some music DVD's.

    I didn't back up my PC before the old hd failed (doh!) but I have managed to get what I think are all the drivers back. Otherwise sound is ok - its only scrambled when there are graphics running.

    I have reinstalled what I think is the latest nvidia Gforce 2 MX driver from nvidia website.I had the same scrambled sound problem before and my pal solved it but i don't know how (by upgrading the Graphics driver?). Any reason why it doesn't work like it did before?

    GEForce 2 MX 64MB
    1.3GHZ AMD Athlon processor
    (on board sound with creative driver)
    256mb (i think)
    Windows 2000
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Well sound cards have nothhing to do with video drivers ... as for onboard sound, you'll have to get the actual sound drivers for whatever soundchip it uses because if its using Soundblaster drivers (which is pretty vague), it will probably be using compatibility mode which might be causing some of the problems

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