Does any one know how or what program to use in order to be able to upload J2me games onto this phone. I am trying to use bitpim but i am in the trial and error stage. I can get my phone to connect to my computer using this program via usb data cable, but from there i can't figure out what folder to put the jad and jar files into. I also use myjal for my i880 but I can't connect my ic902 to myjal at all. I have the last drivers that motorola put out installed and everything. I can get ring tones on my phone with no problem via a bluetooth adapter. Can I do the same with the games and wallpapers. If so, what folder do I put them under. If any one has worked with a ic902 and has figured out how to put games on there, please reply. Any help figuring this out will be greatly appreciated. Folders accessable via bluetooth: audio incamcorder sub directories: am_mmc am_ph audiocaption conversations stp voicerecords incamera keytone mixedmedia mmc(removable) themes sub directory: downloaded This way has tons of subfolders. Folders accessable via Bitpim and data cable: CM DCIM DMU MEDIA brew, has subdir: db1 mmc1, has subdir: mobile , has subdir: motorola, has subdir: nvm rom_alert P.S. I have the usb option on the phone set to data/modem, not mass storage. If you need the subdir:'s for the folders specified with them , I will post them up.
Use this link to upload games and java app to your ic902 (or any other phone for that matter) The jad and jar files need to be rooled into a zip file. simply type in your phone number and brouse to the zip file and send it on its way. Once you receive the text message hit "options" and hit "Go to web address" on your phone. agree to the obligatory warnings and BAM ...before you know it you will begaming away
After phone is conected to bitpim, go to folder, motorola/shared/jas/content. All your apps and themes will be there. Jad and Jar and GC files. See what the highest number file is. Say it's 20, you will rename your new jad and jar files 21. Then go to motorola/shared/jas/temp/install. It should be empty. Right click in the empty space, choose new file. Browse for your newly named jad and jar files and put them there. Once done, close bitpim, then disconect your usb cable and reboot the phone. DONE