I have the password and stuff to my hard drive on my (original, not xbox 360) xbox. How can I mount it to my computer to copy files back and forth, without the danger of breaking the drive in a hotswap? I have already hotswapped a few times, but I don't want to do it again, I'm also too cheap to but a crossover cable anytime soon, so I need a way transfer files. How can I mount the drive to my pc and also, how can I unlock it using the password, and how can I insure it locks after transfer so it isn't rendered useless for my xbox? Thanks in advance, links to any known tutorials would be great if you have them.
That's just insane! Go buy a crossover cable or make one and FTP! How much of a cheap ass are you going to be with a broken Xbox, all because you wouldn't spend $5!?
I didn't have a crossover cable and I only had a cheap ethernet cable that isn't mine to tear apart, and I didn't want to pay for the $15 Belkin one at walmart, but I did. I already know how to ftp, so I guess I'll just do that now.
$15!!! Ouch! You don't need a brand one. It would have been cheaper to buy the crimper tool from ebay and make the cable yourself...