I have a Dell 8300 3.2 with 1 gig memory running XP home.When I try to copy a big file from one drive to another or backup a large file if i try to multitask my mouse cursor stops.The mouse will still respond to movement and if I watch when i move over a button it will highlight it i just cant see where it is going.Also with this is there any way to limit the resources used to transfer files so it will not affect working speed so much.Thanks for your help in advance.
Thanks for the reply.I was running a PS2 and switched to a USB. Thought it was taken care of but it did it again this morning.Would there be any difference if it was hooked into into a Usb 1.? or USB 2.0 hub?
I read a little farther into the links you posted and I think Ill take off my 1.1 hub and see if it makes a difference.As to the second part of my question do you know if you can slow down the file transfer rate to let the system do more while it transfers in the background?Thank you for all your help.