I recently downloaded some clips from Rapidshare. I use "Divx" as my video player, the clips were originally mpg. extensions. I reviewed them recently and a saw that they now have a .mov extension, which I can't play. How can i change a .mov to some other extension or how can i play a .mov extension? I know that this doesn't follow the DVD format but I don't know where else to go for valued answers. Ron
Hi, it's an Apple quicktime video. Download quicktime alternative from this site, or the quicktime player from Apples site. Cheers
Hello Cheers, You mentioned "Quicktime alternative" and "Quicktime player from Apples site". Being a newbie and not that familiar with some of the software, where can i find the "Quicktime alternative" and "Quicktime player from Apples" site. Is that on the intenet? I have heard that "Quicktime" tends to want to "take over" from all the other player programs? Is that true? Thank you for your quick response and informative reply. Sincerely Ron
Hi ronnies, Yeah most people get annoyed at the way certain players try to associate with everything on their system. Quicktime can be one of those. The quicktime alternative can be found at this link http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_players/quicktime_alternative.cfm It's straight from this site, so you can be sure it's not a bad thing Apples official quicktime player is here http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/standalone.html This one is WITHOUT the itunes software which they try to make you install. The only problem I had with the alternative was not all streams from websites worked, but all downloaded .mov files like you have work 100%. Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on. Cheers.
Hello Cheers I downloaded the "Quicktime Alternate" and now have that icon on my desktop. I tried to play the clip with the .mov extension ( it initially starts with "divx" ) and it could not get past "Divx". It says it has no "avi" or "mpg" extension. So I right clicked on the clip and went to "open with" then "choose program" and could not find find "Quick time" among the choices? I am going to restart the computer and see if that helps. Don't know - the .mov used to play but - apparently - not anymore.. Cheers, thanks again for your help. you were very precise on how to do things, which I needed. I will let you know if things change. Ron
Hello Cheers I cannot seem to get the "Quick time" program in the "choice of programs" area. It seems to have a varied number of "not associated" choices. I don't know how those programs got there to start with? How can I tell Quick time to plays a certain clip? Another computer mystery - to me. It seems that's all this computer stuff is about - mysteries..... If I right click on the clip and thy to use "open with" - "quick time" is just not available..... Thanks again Ron
Hi, When the program choice list is open, click on browse and find this folder C:\Program Files\Media Player Classic Then click the mplayerc.exe file and put the tick in the box that says always use this program. That should sort it for you. Let me know if it works out.
Thanks Cheers,I will give that a shot. Thanks again for your asistance and you definitive responses. Ron
@ronnies - or there's a real easy way - Rotary, one of our addicts pointed me it's way i while back, it's absolutely excellent - http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Mega_Codec_Pack.htm
Hello Creaky Just downloaded the "K-lite codec pack". It deleted the "Quicktime alternate" program and I now have a new icon on my desktop "Media player classic". It seems to play well with clarity and does offer some options if I want to play in another format. BUT - It still will not play anything with the .MOV extension. When a clip with the mov. ext. is encountered, it imediately goes to "Divx" and "Divx" says it can't play that clip. There is no opportunity to swith to another player. "Quicktime" was deleted upon installing the "Classic media player" so that player is nonexistant to play the .MOV clip? When the "Quicktime alternative" player was installed a friend got it to play the.mov clips but with several moves before he got it to play. Currently ther is no way that I can click on a .mov extension clip and have it play - Divx jumps in and cancels the attempt. I believe that "Divx" was supposed to be removed when "Classic media player" was installed but apparently it's still there??? Anyhow I'm going down Ocean City for a week and will pick up on this upon returning. Perhaps some new thought may have evolved by then? Creaky, thanks for all the help and attention that you have given me, I will be in touch upon my return from the Atlantic - keep sending those fixes though, they are my mainstay for keeping things going in the right direction. Sincerely Ron
Creaky. Correction! I CAN play the .MOV files with the " media player classic". If I click on the clip and send it to Media player classic" it does play... My fault in my "just a few minutes ago" reply, I should have investigated farther. You have done a fantastic job in leading me to the "Media player classic". Thanks tons and tons worth - now off to Ocean City Maryland - get some sun and some Bluefishing, sea trout and maybe some flyfishing in the ponds - whatever - take care. Friend Ron
you're quite welcome, though i'm just passing on what someone passed to me, glad it helped.. i would normally install divx, quicktime, blah blah blah , but this was great cus it has so many formats catered for. Have a good day