ive looked eveywhere to found a place where I can get moive covers I found one but it has really nothing on it, It is http://covers-search.com/search.php?search=ray I cant even found DR.Dolittle on it ive Looked many minuts but cant found anything but that one!! Any Help Would be great.. thanks KEN
Here is one: http://www.cdcovers.cc/ And here is a place to get original covers, not much of a stock but they get new things in often: http://www.dvdreplacementcovers.com/special.php
thanks soo much man!! any other easy places would be great too maybe faster to found!! thanks to you all!! be safe
There are others but I honestly think that this is the best. I don't know what you mean by easier to find. It's seems pretty easier to me.
lol, just not has much work to found the cover!! im kinda new to this! I was just wordering if there is other places to get covers!! thanks
http://www.cdcovers.cc/ As already mentioned it is the best place to get just about any cover available. The site is easy to understand and very fast to navigate. The only other place I can think of where it would be easier and faster to get a cover would be at your local CD reseller.
Here's a couple more: Majority of mine are from here: http://covers.to/index.php They seem to be down right now,but have a very nice selection of disc and full size case covers. The rest are from here-mainly disc covers: http://www.customcdlabels.com/
does anybody know where I can found this moive cover? ive looked at 4 places and I cant found it!! Sandlot im not looking for the 2nd part!! thanks evey much!! this is my fav moive of all time
none there )= im looking for this one " the moive dvd cover I love this moive and deading for the cover http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/A...?dev-t=D2UKXTZKSOZP1Q&camp=2025&link_code=xm2
YOu're still talking about dr.dolittle aren't you? They're right here, I've already found them for you at cdcovers.cc. I don't know why you couldn't find them earlier. http://www.cdcovers.cc/dvd_d.php All you have to do find Dr.Dolittle then click the button "front" on the bottom of the page. The botton "front" is surrounded by blue brackets, these things "[" "]". Once you've done taht a "download cover" button will appear on the botton below the brackets. Click that and you're done. YOu could have finished all this days ago.
no im not!! im looking for this one still Sandlot I can found the " sandlot 2" but not " sandlot" thanks much
I found the sandlot 2 too. IT's right here, just use the instructions I gave above if you don't know how: http://www.cdcovers.cc/dvd_t1.php You might have to scroll down though.
Oh, I thought he was looking for the sandlot 2. I'm not sure why though, sorry. Could it be that the original sandlot was never on DVD?