Hi, I've just started making backups of some of my movies. I just successfully burnt my first DVD. The only problem is that while I'm watching it on my TV it will freeze for just a second. This will happen a couple times in a row then play normally for awhile. Then later it will act up again and freeze a few more times in a row. The "freezing" happens in 'groups' at random times during the movie. Edit: It DOES always freeze in the same place. I'm using Sony brand DVD-R's with my Sony DVD burner. I burnt at 16x, the normal/highest speed for my player. I had a .avi that I converted to .VOB files using VSO's Divx to DVD and successfully burnt them with Nero. I'm playing the DVD on one of the older PS2's. I'm not sure what to try next, although I'd guess it might be related to codex/format I'm burning with. I've no clue. I used Nero's standard settings. Please point me in the write direction. Any help is much appreciated, Someguy
Try to burn at lower speed,at 8x for example.Even your media's speed is 16x,it is always best to burn at half the rated speed,except for 8x medias which you can burn at same speed(for top notch medias like Ty,Verbatim).The freezing problems in your case are due to high speed burning,lower your speed to 8x and see if still freezes. vincent.
I reburned it at 4x but no luck. It seems that both the 16x and the 4x freeze/glitch at the same places. I'm suspecting the .VOB files are the source of the problem. I previewed the VOB files and noticed a small glitch, almost unnoticeable, happening at some of the places that I get a real glitch when I try playing on the TV. Previously I used VSO "Divx to DVD" (an older program) to convert my .avi file to .VOB's. Can anyone recommend another similar program for me to try? Or maybe settings that I need to change? Thanks
try verbatim disc. i have a sony burner and have updated the firmware and have tried many types of programs but still cannot burn a movie it always skips freezes and Legos i gave up on it and bought a different brand burner and have no problems i think its the sony
NO when I spend hard earned money on sony it it dose not work I do not like them if it works for you more power to you, unless they send a refund for the money I've spent on their crap, that did not work they can kiss my Grits
You may have burner compatabilities, just because they dont work for you do you think it's OK to tell everyone that they are junk. Maybe when you make this statement you should make it clear that you are in the minority who find they are , as you put it "Junk"
I am not trying to make you feel better, as you said. I just dont think you should be able to rubbish a product without anything to back it up. And yes, at the moment I am currently helping others in the Nero forum.
If it works for me I will support it. If it dose not work for me I will not support it. You like Ford's I like Chevy's you must agree to disagree
Okay, heres a twist. The DVD I burned that froze/skipped in the exact same places on my ps2 played flawlessly on a friends DVD player. I remade my VOB files with WinAVI and burned it, only to find a huge message in the center of the TV screen asking me to buy their program. Turns out the program automatically makes coasters for you. Anyway, I need a sturdy program to convert my file to VOB without any funny stuff. Someone recommended VSO's ConvertXtoDVD but its not free so its on the back of my list atm. Help! I need to play my home videos on my ps2 player. Thanks for yerguyzes help so far.
I'm checking out the Vision prog. that came with my Nero bundle. I'm not sure if "Nero Vision Express SE" can convert the .avi file =-Z
The ONLY prog I use to burn my AVI files to DVD is NeroVisionExpress, heres a very basic guide on how I do mine. There is a more comprehensive guide by alkohol in my sig, http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/356114/2104525