I used smartripper and ifoedit to get rid of the extras and burnt the files with nero. I played the movie but about 60 minutes in it stops and the movie wont play beyond that point. Does anybody know what is wrong?
if the riped file is less than 4 gigs first of all ensure you rip into ifo mode. now you need ifoedit to edit. open up ifoedit and open up ifo file video_ts and click open now click on vob extras leav everything the same click on rip it . next decheck the subpicture files and leave the audio stream check click rip it tkes about 30 min now close ifo edit and reopen it open up the video_ts file you just riped and click get vts sectors and then click dvdplayback it should play great and then you can burn it if it is larger than 4 gig you will need remped to shrink the file before using ifo edit ok try doing like this works for me