ok thanks to your excellent gudes ive managed to do my 1st dvd i think its excellent here and without your guidance i would honestly be lost but i got there in the end. ive ran into a problem i d/loaded a movie from the net in .avi format so as to watch on my dvd home player i used dvd flick to burn straight to disc, the quality is fine but its out of sync with the sound,also seems to jump a little ,am i doing something wrong?.also img burn opened up during the final stages, i take it i goofed somewhere .any ideas guyz
If constant throughout: Before you encode the file, run it through AviMux_Gui: http://www.alexander-noe.com/video/amg/ (vl 17.7-binary) Drag your original file into the top window, highlight it and select generate data. In the lower window, select audio and any delay will appear to the right in ms. If other than 0 appears, select start, place and name your new file as you wish and encode it. Only takes a minute or two but doesn't help on gradual sync issues. The original probably won't show any sync issues on your pc.
ok i must have goofed somewhere its still the same here are my settings firstly i open dvdflick click add title and i find the avi file ,i double click it to add the movie settings are as follows in gen tab the target aspect ratio is showing widescreen,the thumbnail time index shows 00:13:54 the pan and scan display is unticked in chapters---------- do not create chapters is ticked in audio tracks its set for english en on to project settings in general it shows dvd (4,3gb),custom size 4489,encoder priority is set to normal,thread count shows 2<------ on video tab it shows the target format is PAL encoding profile is set to normal,target bitrate is set to autofit,and custom shows 0 audio tab--------- volume modification is set to 100% channel count is on auto bitrate is on auto playbacktab---------its set to play the next title loop to first title when done playing last is ticked alwaes enable first title is unticked burning tab settings, set to burn to disk,disc label is dvd,automatically erase disk if wrewritable is ticked then i hit create dvd but the avi it plays fine on my pc
Don't know anything about DVD Flick. If AviMux_Gui is showing a delay and you use the new file, that should fix things. If not, you can have a look here but never tried it: http://forum.videohelp.com/topic309224.html Also, this is an old thread so GSpot 2.60 isn't beta anymore but any version will do.
aXXo re-encodes already out avi to smaller files he could of cocked it up... also get from the REAL aXXo site as 100's of fakes roam the world so could be this too...
avimux showed 0 delay maybe i go back to the beginning and start afresh i must be doing something wrong it plays fine on the pc this aint as easy as people say,but i will get there in the end thanks guyz
ok guys i thank u all for the great help u have past on,and after many guides i decided to give convertxtodvd a go,its turned out perfect....... this is an excellent forum guyz keep up the good work,i should have really studied the guides in the first place,but i assure u all i shall do that from now on!! a very happy bunny