i converted a xvid movie with vso like i alway's do but the movie keep's skipping and freezing any advice?
Hi, I am having the same problem. All my DVDRip.XviD are set at 23.976 frames a minute and everytime I convert and burn them with winavi I am experiencing small freezes in the picure say every three seconds like clock work. When I converted the fps to 29...(the nstc format) it was worse. If I converted it to pal then it ran well for about two minutes then it would be jerky for about 10seconds and go back to smooth play for about two minutes and so on. The movies in Pal format are perfect. However all my 23.976 keep causing me grief. I have searched everywhere to understand how to overcome this and I feel like pulling my hair out. : ( I understand you have had may have answered this again and agian so I do apoligise for a repeat if that be the case however I keep searching and am at my wits end. Cheers.
I forgot to note that the files were avi and I was trying to convert into dvd format. Also the dvds were skipping when played on my stand alone dvd player. Cheers.