I have downloaded a divx with ac3 audio and the sound is fine (after I installed AC3 filter etc) but it's very quiet! I have to turn my volume to it's maximum level to hear it properly. Although this isn't a major problem as the sound quality is very good and there is little background noise/hiss, it's still very quiet. Any ideas as to why the audio track is so quiet?
Ac3 audio is always very low on a PC!! It wouldnt be like that on DVD, especially with a surround sound kit. BTW, i edited your thread a bit just for obvious reasons!
Have you tried playing around with the ac3filter configuration to try and increase the volume? HAve you tried other ac3 codecs besides the ac3 filter?
I find increasing the volume will just make a hiss or the noise breaks when it plays back so I dont fool around with it anymore, I just convert to dvdr and watch it on TV instead
go into control panel and there will be an icon specifically for ac3. go in there and by default the left and right gain are only half way. Push that right up and jobs a gooden