has anyone tried this? when i open up xmen3 or stars wars 3 in dvd fab decryptor it shows the name as like charlotte something for one movie, and something else completely random for another. the movies copied fine, just wondering why, and if after i move them to my external HD if renaming the folders will hurt anything.
Hi hayden58 Yep some of them have strange names - Charlotte was Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. I don't really know why some are named them that but you can change the name and not hurt anything.
thank you, i just figured if a bunch of them had weird names id change them so that i can find them easier. so far its only those 2.
Not a problem hayden58 There's a few out there like Basic Instinct 2 and O Brother How Art Thou come to mind also.
thanks for the heads up, that really threw me for a loop after like 10 movies all correct, i had 2 in a row with weird names, i though i got some virus or something.
no i didnt have a virus, i just thought something weird was going on that the first 11-12 movies i did had the correct name then 2 in a row were weird names.