well...just today when i open up my mozilla it was fine, but after i close it my main page wouldnt show up. it only show u a blank page. does anyone have similar problems?
i haven't experienced this problem myself, have you tried downloading version 1.5 here's a couple links that might help - http://www.computergripes.com/firefoxsites.html http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2005/05/19/407553.aspx if ever you're waiting for an answer to something you could always google search for yourself in the meantime, that's all i've done to get those 2 links
okay i fould the problem and there s a step by step guide of how to fix it. thanks to creaky here s the link: http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2005/05/19/407553.aspx