I would like to know how firefox saves passwords in the signons.txt file. I need to know how mozilla firefox encodes/decodes the passwords. I want to use the signons.txt to add passwords and auto fill-in forms. I have opened the file but i am unsure what encoding the passwords are in. Any Help appreciated.
I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but is there any way you could tell me how to decode that. Any software needed etc. I want to be able to encode it as well to change a password for example
Oh right. Now you want a crack-TDES app written for you. Are you for real? Your questions begin to make me suspicious. Do you have any idea what you are asking? TDES or Triple DES encryption is designed to be hard to crack. To protect passwords from prying eyes. (Like yours?) The best attack known on 3TDES requires around 2^32 (!) known plaintexts, 2^113 (!!) steps, 2^90 single DES encryptions (!!!), and 2^88 memory locations (!!!!). This is ***not*** practical. (The ^ symbol means "raised to the power of") It is estimated that there are around 10^74 elementary particles in the universe. If I were enough of (a) a cryptanalyst and (b) a programmer that I could write an program to do this, I would be either working for, or hunted by, the CIA! The hardware required is not possible to build at this time. If it were possible to crack Firefox password encryption by asking on a forum, then that encryption would be useless! If it were possible to crack Triple DES easily, and even if I knew how to do it, I would not be so criminally irresponsible as to post the method on here, especially as I begin to wonder just exactly why you really want to know.
First of all. I have read somewhere that Triple DES is basically: -DES Encrypt with Key 1 -DES Decrypt with Key 2 -DES Encrypt with Key 3 Knowing this If I were to know the three keys then it would be quite simple of decoding it. Also from what I have heard the three keys are saved in a file. I would like to know how I can retrieve these keys and how to use them to decode. PS. I would like to know because of the feature that Firefox automatically adds the contents of a form to the webpage I could get firefox to automatically fill-in other things which are not password forms. PSS I don't want a password retrieval program. I wan't to be able to encode a password and add it into the signons.txt file.
http://www.holgermetzger.de/moz-passwords.html http://burntelectrons.org/moz/moz-passwords.html http://ed.mullen.home.comcast.net/Mozilla/moz_pw.html
OK. The first two links are for the old version which saves passwords in Base64 only. The newer version uses TripleDES. Whilst the 3rd link can retrieve my passwords. I still can't edit them