Ok, I ran the file through gspot to see exactly what codecs were used in the movie. Here is the screenshot of the result-- http://www.escic.com/cr95gst/gspotresult.jpg As you can see, the video codec is Divx3 and the audio is MPEG1-Layer3. When I converted the AVI file to MPEG2 using TMPGENC everything goes smoothly but there is no sound whether I play it in the DVD player or on the PC. As far as I can tell, I looked through all the options on NERO 6 and TMPGENC and didn't see anything to resolve the issue. I also did a search on here using the phrase "no sound" and all I saw were threads in relation to AV3 encoding. Any ideas or suggestions? BTW, this is my first post here... Great Forum and Resources here!
Tmpgenc does not Like AVI files with compressed Audio so you must Uncompress the audio before encodeing it with Tmpgenc...You can use Virtual-Dub to decompress the Audio in the AVI file or if you PM me with your e-mail address i can send you a Small tool that will turn your AVI with compressed audio into an AVI with uncompressed audio that Tmpgenc will happilly encode....Cheers
Yeah, I ended up just ripping the audio track and re-encoding it to MP2. I then muxed it back with the video and all is good.