Hi all, excellent forums you have going. I read through the entire sticky thread on MP3 differences, but have a few specific questions, as I'm still a little confused: 1) I've burned MP3's using Winamp (which I no longer use) and now using Nero, but using LAME MP3 encoding, which is supposed to be the best. However, I always rip at the highest possible quality (320) so will I notice any real difference between the 320's (mp3PRO) ripped with Winamp, and those being ripped with Nero using the LAME encoding (320 CBR)? The info in the file's properties is the same too, not that I know if that matters. 2) There are two different LAME encoding methods in Nero 7: LAME MP3 and PowerPack LAME MP3. Can anyone tell me the difference? The PowerPack requires registration to use continually, while the "normal" LAME does not, so what makes it so "special"/any different? I am a musician of almost twenty years, and pretty picky about things sounding good, so I just want to make sure I get things straight here. Whatever method I can use to get what is exact (or closest) in quality to a .wav (cda/pcm) file, that's what I want to go for, as if I can do that, I can have the same quality but in far less than half the size. I haven't bothered with the EAC method, because I have the same abilities through Nero with LAME, it would seem. One last thing: in terms of playback, what would be the best MP3 player (for PC)? I used Winamp for years, but it's nothing but problems now, and I've never been totally pleased with the sound quality. Something with an EQ, preferably. Thanks in advance to any and all.
Don't have any real answers for you but this link may help. http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index...#Recommended_encoder_compiles_and_source_code