hello just tryin to burn an album of mp3s 22 tracks but its to large 90 mins + cannot fit onto a 80 min disc, any ideas how to shrink each track so they all fit on ?
When u burn mp3 files u must burn it like Data cd , or else the program will automaticly convert them to wave files, and u can shrink mp3 files to with nero's mp3 pro, but it is NOT recomended
not sure what you mean, iam tryin to create an album of 22 tracks roughly 92 mins onto a 80min cdr. (too large)when i drag these over using nero it tells me not enough space. i need to edit the tracks etc (nero will let me reduce each 1 but only by 2o seconds on each its not enough any ideas ?
There isn't any option with mp3 to cda files. You can't really shrink cda files, all you can do is loose a few tracks.