i have well over 1000 CDs to rip to my PC and haven't decided on which program to use to rip to my PC i am leaning towards either Exact Audio Copy and CDex (both use Lame Mp3 encoder and all i read is that it is the greatset thing ever) the thing i am having problem with is how ID tags work with these programs or even how they work period cause i would like the tag to have the album art and i am not quite sure how that works or what to look for in a program.
I use CDEx and it does indeed tag, ID3v1 and ID3v2. It uses freedb instead of cddb but most albums are in both. IDK about the album art, however. I've also recently been using the GraceNote song id system in the latest WinAmp to tag some stuff I didn't tag when I first ripped it. It's pretty cool, it looks at some sort of beat signature of the song and automatically tags it.