hi guys, i need some insight to the mp3 burning procedure on the size of files! This is what i did then i will ask my question! OK, i got 1 MP3 the size is 4.33meg, now when i drop that file into nero to burn to .CDA the size in nero reads 67meg which as you can see is alot bigger! is this the true size? after converting to .CDA format? I am trying to find the best way to gauge the size of MP3 files so i can find out how many will fit to CDR say 700meg CDR! Thank you in advance! P.........;-])
To find out how many mp3s fit on a audio CD do this: 1. If they are CBR and all have the same bitrate you can use this: time(minutes)*bitrate(kbps) = 0.133*filesize(KB). So if you want to know what total filesize of 160kbps mp3s fits on a 80 minutes CD, it's 80*160/0.133 = 96 240 KB (actually it's a little bit more usually because of tagging). 2. If the files are VBR or different bitrates, you can use an audioplayer like foobar2000 (http://foobar2000.hydrogenaudio.org), drop the files to the playlist, highlight them and you'll see the total playing time. (Note that it's more convenient to use playtime as e.g. 80 minutes of uncompressed audio - 44.1kHz, 16bit stereo are 807.5MB of data, but if you use the same disk as data CD only 700MB will fit on it. This is because of data CDs containing an additional layer of error correction. So using playtime in minutes for calculating this is less confusing.)
hi there thank you for your help! but as i'm new to mp3 but not other coping! i'm not sure what vbr cbr are for? Thx.......
Variable BitRate Constant BitRate http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&q="what+is+vbr"+mp3&btnG=Google+Search http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&q="what+is+cbr"+mp3&btnG=Google+Search http://www.afterdawn.com/glossary/ [edit] http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/191[/edit] http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=7516#entry74068 http://www.geocities.com/altbinariessoundsmusicclassical/vbr-encoding.htm
I wanted to paste an url (corrected now - see above) I found using the forum search. The Burst!media url I postet before appeared in my browser's address field when I opened the thred from the search-engine. So it seems like it has to do something with the (ATM not existing) advertisments at the top of the forum pages.