So here is my problem...I just got a new stereo for my car and it can play MP3 cd's...that's good...when I burn mp3's to a cd all the songs are out of order...thats bad Now I was wondering if I can use windows media player or some other FREE software to burn the mp3's in the order I want them (the same as the real CD) I am new to the whole MP3 cd thing so any help would be awesome. thanks, Jman
an MP3 Cd for your car -- is a Data Cd with MP3 on it -- it is very different then an Audio CD that you compile yourself ! Data is read in alphabetical order when played !! Some car MP3 Player will read the Data and present you with the list of what's on the CD -- then you select the song you want to hear ! That is what I have in my own car; a screen with the songs listed in alphabetical order or a listing by directory that i select to see what is in them to choose . If you want to have the songs in their original order -- make a copy of your original CD -- they will then play in that order.