Mp3 static, distortion and other interference

Discussion in 'Audio' started by tp1977, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. tp1977

    tp1977 Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    Hi all - first time post. Have searched the site, but wasn't getting results matching my problem.

    I listen to mp3s mainly through headphones on my portable device and on my computer. Whether these are mp3s i have ripped from my CDs or acquired from the interweb, I notice a certain amount of interference on some tracks. Quite often these will just be very minor "popping" sounds, but when listening through headphones they become very noticeable.

    Is there a method for correcting mp3 tracks to get rid of interference? I can't think of anything that wouldn't involve completely breaking down the audio track and playing with different levels to at least make them less noticeable.

    I use XP, winamp, etc. but these problems are embedded in the files. Anyone got a cure?
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2005
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    You can always use a Sound Editor such as Audacity !! It has under EFFECTS ~~ a series of filters you can use to remove or attenuate the Hiss , Pops and crackles you may have.

    it's available here :-

    ? and it is FREE ~~

    Smiles !
  3. tp1977

    tp1977 Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    That's exactly what I'm looking for - thanks so much. Will give it a spin and post back on here if it works out.
  4. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    There are better Sound Editors available on the web -- but they cost $ -- although most have a 30 days evaluation period !

    Goldwave has a good Pop/Click remover filter under EFFECTS --> Filter

    It's available here :-

    And the best of the Best are quite costly ~~smiles they are Professionnal Sound Editors such as Steinberg Wavelab and SoundForge 7 -- that last one is what I use with a whole pile of accessories I have bought over the years !

    ‡?‡ Good Luck !
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2005

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