Many burning programs (such as Nero 6 ) will convert and burn in the same operation.It depends on what burning program you plan to use.
The mp3 File is very large about 14 hours on mp3 disk do you know of a way to convert and get it on one reg. Cd
If it is that large, it would take many audio CD disc to hold it all. Don't think I could help on that.
There is no way to get 14 hours of uncompressed audio onto one CD. The largest CDs available can only hold up to an Hour and a half of uncompresssed audio. The only thing you can do is break it up and spread it across many CDs. 14 hours? Your Mp3 file must sound pretty bad. What bit rate is it encoded at? By the way the sound quailty will not increase simply because you decompress the file. The sound quality will match the source which is in your case, Mp3. Ced
Here is the first link from my google search... If you want to find more info about 90 minute and 99 minute CD-Rs please do a google search and/or P.M. AD addict [bold]djscoop[/bold]. Ced