Isn't 89 a bit on the low side for the default volume? Do you guys keep this level when using mp3gain? I was just wondering because I just used it for the first time on a few files and they were way quieter, perhaps too quiet i thought. Feel free to shoot me down in flames if i'm being a doomass.
I usually apply -3db constant gain, and I find 89db too quiet in some cases too. Run the album analysis and apply the gain that eliminates clipping, but this wont make your files equally loud (in case you are creating a compilation / playlist of diffenet kinds of music).
Good question deej, as I was wondering the same myself since I've just installed MP3Gain. Seems like this app is one weapon of choice around here! cd-rw, can you advise what exactly will make the MP3 files equally loud and advise of any recommended setting to use for all MP3s regardless of bit rate? d2e
d2e, Track gain makes the volume of the tracks equal. MP3Gain does show you if the the file is clipping or not. Try values around 93db, but it depends on the music a lot really..