mp3's on dvd??

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by wetcat, Dec 21, 2002.

  1. wetcat

    wetcat Guest

    I can't seem to find any info on this so I was wondering if someone could help that knows the answer? My stand alone dvd player plays mp3's off of cd but is it possible for it to do the same with dvd's. Nero won't alllow you to create an audio dvd and if I just burn them on the disk the player won't recognize them. Is there any software that does this out? Thanks
  2. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I assume that you used blank dvd media to write the mp3 to?

    Well unfortunately most stand-alones will read dvd recordable media in only one format, DVD. Trying write data to the cd doesnt usually work for stuff like this.

    As for a solution, I really don't know but I must ask, Why would you want to do this anyway when you can already fit hundreds of mp3's on cd-r media?
  3. wetcat

    wetcat Guest

    From what I can tell my Sony DVP-NS715P won't play mp3's off of dvdr's. As soon as it sees that it's a dvd disk it looks for the movie files not mp3. I did find out that there are a couple players that can do this though. As to why not just use cd's....because I'm greedy:) Plus the less disks I have lying around the better. 12 or so albums on a cd versus 60 on a dvd.
  4. thargor

    thargor Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    WetCat: I have to agree, at present I have over 180 cds with mp3 on, and collection is growing as I convert even more of my vinyl and cassettes.
    Storing on DVD is a must, just can't afford one at the moment.
  5. jnihil

    jnihil Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 23, 2001
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    I've been meaning to write a bunch of mp3s onto DVD as ISO format and not UDF and see if that would work. Guess it all depends on the implimentation of the DVD player tho.

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