Hello. I have some mp3s that I would like to make a CD of. I have done this countless times before, but have always played them in a standalone CD player and never noticed the lack of album/track info, associated with them. I have Nero and a host of tweak tools, such as Easy CD-DA Extractor. What I cannot seem to do is burn my mp3s to a CD and then have the CD, when playing in something like WMP 11, display the information for each track. Here's the question: Is there any piece of software or any process, that will tranfer the mp3 ID3 information onto CD, so that a CD player will tell me the name of the track, artist etc. If you could give me any links, advice, etc - that would be really helpful. Thanks a lot.
audio CDs do not contain full ID information such as artist, album, title, year... like mp3s do. You can however burn CD Text onto an audio CD which will show the artist and title. But your CD player needs to be capable of reading CD text. Nero can burn CD text, there should be an option for it in the audio CD burn wizard of Nero Burning Rom.
Thanks, but false alarm. I am no fool and so I was being driven crazy, as I couldn't understand what was going on. I ran an analysis tool and did some research and found that a fair few players - including WMP - do not read info properly. It seems as though the info that can be transferred from the mp3 to the cd is, though a number cannot cope. What threw me was WMP not coping, as you would expect it to read anything and everything. The cd text had been written. It just wasn't read properly. To anyone else who thinks they've just had a CD come out as "album" and the tracks as "track 01, 02" etc... you may not have. Try some other players.