Mp3's wont plpay on mp3 player

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Pugsly456, Aug 6, 2002.

  1. Pugsly456

    Pugsly456 Guest

    I have a NEC NR-7900A burner with XP home.
    When I first got the computer it had roxio ezcd basic and musicmatch on it.I used the trial version of music match to burn 2 mp3 cds.They worked fine but from then on I haven't been able to get a mp3 cd to play on a mp3 player. I've tried two different mp3 players so I kmow its not them.
    I've tried 3 different programs(Roxio, nero5590, Musicmatch Plus) all installed one at a time. I've even had my burner replaced by DELL because thats what they thought it might be, but it wasn't.
    I've tried CD-R's and CD-RW's but neither worked. I've even tried re-installing XP, But no luck.
    Regular cds burn and play fine.
    The mp3 cds are readable and playable by my computer but not the mp3 players.
    Any answers?
  2. Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    This must be an issue with the CD formats that your MP3 player supports. Burn your CD using Nero, and ISO Level 1, Joliet, ISO 9660. Do not use sub-directories more than one level deep.
  3. Pugsly456

    Pugsly456 Guest

    When I used nero i checked for that and Iso-9660 was enabled but it made no difference.
    Is there a special way to use that format?
  4. Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    What does your MP3 player manual say about the CD format?
  5. Pugsly456

    Pugsly456 Guest

    It says it will only play Iso9660.
    I've tried these cds on more than one mp3 player and they all do the same thing,some songs play and some get skipped.

    What are sub-dirrectories?
    Why would some songs play and some not?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2002
  6. Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    Do the files that don't play differ form the ones that do play in some way? Bitrate? Special tags?
  7. Pugsly456

    Pugsly456 Guest

    no even the files that dont play differ, between one burn and the next.
    Not all the songs have the same bitrate they range from 128kbps to 320kbps.
    Overall the full cd-rw holds 144 songs equaling 646 mbs

    A regular CD burns and plays fine when made using the same files.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2002
  8. Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    What is the MP3 player you are using? I once had one of those 1st generation DVD/MP3 combos and it had problems with many MP3 files.
  9. Pugsly456

    Pugsly456 Guest

    I had a Electrohome DVD player EH-8181A But it Crapped out so now I have a Koss DVD player Kd-260. I've also tried it on a friends pioneer but neither of them work. They all supported cd-rw,cd-rand Mp3.
  10. jli007

    jli007 Guest

    I have the same problem with mp3 cd not being able to play on my apex AD-600A player and Resanonce Shatter car mp3 player(from Fry's electronics). I have try different versions of CD-Creator and now Roxio. But the strange thing is that both the Apex and Shatter reads the old mp3 cd that made long time ago. I have compared the format and they do match. For some strange reason, all the new mp3 that I burned onto the cd's can not play on mp3 players. I've tried 650Mb and 700Mb cd's - no luck. If you have any idea, please let me know. My computer is currently running window ME, PII 400, 4X CDRW, 512Mb RAM and 60GB HD.
  11. Pugsly456

    Pugsly456 Guest


    What I did is when i installed the full version on music match jukebox plus,istarted using their super tagging feature to get the album cover and other info on the cd. All that info was stored in the mp3 file so that when i play it on the computer it all would come up. But my DVD player wan't able to read the extra info in the file so it skipped it!
    All I did was erase all the files and get them again, but this time i didn't alter anything and now they play fine.

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