MP4/Midi/clipping parts of songs help please

Discussion in 'Audio' started by on_hold, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. on_hold

    on_hold Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    Hi to everyone here. PC user. running windows xp pro.

    I tried to search the audio forums for subjects on MP4 and Midi format files or converting etc. along those lines. I couldn't find anything so I hope this thread is not a duplicate of more that are out there.

    I found a couple programs that convert songs or clip them but they were hard to use or I need to download another file to use the tools I wanted to.

    Does anyone know of any good and fairly easy to use or at least understand the directions, of a MP4 or Midi song converting program?

    One that also you can edit your song files by clipping out parts of them would be great as well.
  2. dougal79

    dougal79 Regular member

    Aug 11, 2006
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    Try River Past Audio Converter..

    Do you know of a program that will rip the voice from a song?
    I have over 2000 songs & use Fruity Loops Studio 6.0 Producer Edition & OTS CD Scratch to mix my songs but i want to be able to make my own remixes by removing the voice from a song & adding the voice from another song or vice versa.

    Any Help/Advice is appreciated.


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