mp4video files

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by josie86, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. josie86

    josie86 Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    hiya, ive been putting movies from my hardrive to dvd disc for about 2 years now using nero vision express, i still use nero cause its never gone wrong or let me down. ive just downloaded a music video i go on nero vision express and its comming up with error saying it cant do it, its an mp4 file, can anyone please tell me what to do from here, ive gone on a website and found a file extention for a mp4 file, but cant see how to download it into nero, please can anyone put me on the rite track, many thanks
  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    the file may be corrupts get quicktime and play the file, if it works you know it's not

    i don't use nero, it's created 20+ doggy discs for me (it's yet not to fail me), so i don't know if it supports MP4

    the link below is to a free converter, convert the MP4 to avi and try again in Nero

    also it seems from what you said you need a codec pack, don't worry it can be uninstalled completely like any other piece of software, it will allow virtually every type of audio and video type to be played and recognized on your computer
    I suggest this one-
    for MP4 a decoder-


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