i'v recorded a program from my dish to a dvd disk. i want to lose the video and retain the audio only. the audio i want to be able to put on a cd, so i can play it in my mode of transportation. can it be done ?
The DVD probably has a VOB file or files. Copy it to the desktop (you can rename it from .vob to .mpg) Run this, add files ('all files' to view VOB) Check the box to save as MP3 or WAV. AOA Audio Extractor http://www.aoamedia.com/audioextractor.htm Good for AVI, MPEG etc.
ok attar here it is. The recorded disk had 1 DVD_RTAV folder containing 2 files VR_MANGR.IFO & VR_MOVIE.VRO. I saved the VR_MOVIE.VRO to a folder & changed the ext to mpeg., ran the program you suggested & saved the new file to another folder. The file now plays but is to big for a disk. I tried a smaller file and it plays on everything i need it to. Can i some how reduce the large file so it will fit onto a 80 min disk?
Unless you have an MP3 player you have to edit the file down to 80 minutes and there's no way around it. Audacity is easy to use and what can't be figured out from the help files can be Googled.There are lots of tutorials. http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/audacity/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe
You must simply author those items in a DVD, using an application (like DVD Lab, http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/ ) which has support for Panasonic VRO files. From http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/ : From http://filext.com/file-extension/vro(ifo):