I tried to convert 4 .avi files with subtitles into .vob files with the latest pay version of DivxtoDVD and everything seemed to be ok till the end when it just finished without a prompt to let me know. I figured something was wrong with the .vob files so I dragged them over to virtual dub to check and sure enough I get this error message: MPEG Import Filter:invalid pack at position 3: marker bit not set;possibly MPEG 2 stream what does this mean? How can I possibly fix this problem? thanks so much
also, when i play the .avi in virtualdub, the first frame has this messgae on the screen that says: Warning: nothing to output Bframe decoder lag
I had the same problem, and after much searching, I came across this post in another forum: VirtualDub doesn't support MPEG-2 videos. For VirtualDub with MPEG-2 support, downloand the program at this site: http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/stable/ Hope this works for you!