Mpeg files?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by GoofyBoy, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. GoofyBoy

    GoofyBoy Guest

    Hi Everyone,
    Please help, i would like to know how to burn mpeg on to a dvdr to play on my dvd player, i have been using ulead and burning with that, when i playback on the dvd rom it plays perfectly on the computer, however as soon as i put it in my dvd player, it comes out all stuffed up, fuzzy picture, black and white etc. I am capturing my mpegs from a tv tuner/video usb 2.0 external capture device, i have tried 2 save the mpegs to hard drive and then burn and also direct to disc but both 2 no avail, am i doin something wrong here am i suppose to encode them so they will play on my dvd player. Please help. Thanks
  2. speedman

    speedman Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    thats very simple but may be a long procedure...

    first you have to make sure that the video file you got is a m2v. extension, if not download TmegEnc in software seleection and change it to m2v. Also you need to have saparate Audio in Wav or Ac3

    then when you got one video(m2v) and one audio(Wav) download IfoEdit and Autor a new DVD in DVD author selection from the top the IfoEdit screen. A new window will pop-up, here you have to select video and audio you can also add subtitles, and just click OK

    now all you have to do is to burn what you got DVD, i use nero

    there are many guides on this field, check the guides on this site

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