Hi. I'm new to this site, so any help will be really appreciated!! I am trying to convert some videos from .mpg format to .m4v , so they can be played om my iPod. However, after conversion, there is no audio present. This happens even if I demux the .mpg, re save the two relevant audio and video files and then recombine them as a .mov. The .mov plays back ok, complete with audio, but once converted to .m4v, the audio is once again lost. I have some vids that I have converted from .mov to .m4v that play back ok, but these have never, (to my knowledge), been saved as .mpg's at any time. Does something happen during compression to .mpg format that renders audio unable to be converted, compressed or interleaved with another file once it has been seperated from its original .mpg? If so what? This is driving me mad!!! All I want to do is put a few vids on my bloody iPod. I know this is a long winded post, but I hope it is clear!Thanks in advance for any assistance.
You haven't posted what do you use, but it appears that you only convered the video part of the mp4 movie, the m4v. You don't have inserted in it an audio stream. You could multiplex the video to the audio. For instance, you could read http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/mp4.htm and use YAMB http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93927 (I never made mp4 movies, sorry, I can't help you more). Please note that YAMB needs an audio file in either AC3 or MP4 or MP3 or Vorbis... which you can get Demuxing the audio from the original AVI file with, For example, VirtualDubMod (Stream____Stream List___Demux) and you won't need top transcode it, provided that the AVI's audio rate sampling is 48 kHz (DVD standard), and not 44.1 kHz (many sound cards' standard).
Hi I just got a video Ipod and I'm having the same problem. I used Quicktime pro for windows and I don't get any audio after a very time consuming conversion process. I'm pretty much new to all of this and not particularly computer savy. I would appreciate any help that I can understand. Thank You.
Thanks for the reply. I use OSX and quicktime pro. I cant understand why even after demuxing and converting the fies to .mov, they play back perfectly as individual files, but when recombined as any other file type, the audio does not play. By the way, I've downloaded iSquint, and would recommend this to any one else having trouble converting files for iPods. It works perfectly!!! I'd still like to know why my original peroblem occurs though. Thanks.
since we are on the subject, How can i convert m4v to mpeg or something that can play in my playforsure player