mpeg2 minute length error?

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by trueblu8, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. trueblu8

    trueblu8 Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    I've been doing a lot of video capturing lately and editing the captures (or the resulting mpeg2 files that are created after a capture I should say) and then making chapters and menus and all that good stuff and then burning the finished project onto dvd. Now everything was going fine 'till this one capture that for some reason says that it is only 21 min and 45 sec, this is not correct because I was capturing for just over 60 min. Now here's where it gets really strange, the file size that was created is as it should be for a video capture of 60 min, slightly over 3.9 gigs. And when I play the file on the computer it plays the whole 60 minutes even though next to the file it has the incorrect time of 21:45. The problem arises when I go to burn this project to dvd, every time I do and I go to play the dvd on my home dvd player it cuts off right at that 21:45 mark. So essentially it will not burn the whole project or file to dvd because of this 21:45 glitch (maybe an error created while the program was encoding the capture to mpeg2?). The only way I could think of to fix this problem is to play the file on my computer and connect a vcr or camcorder to my computer while the file is playing, record it on tape, then play it back from tape and do a whole new capture over again. The only problem with this is that my computer does not have any video outputs on it and I don't even know if this would work anyway and then there is also the concern for loss of quality. Is there any way that you know of to fix this? Would you be able to do it if I sent you a dvd with the mpeg2 file on it? Also this file is very important to me, and the source is no longer available. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Please note that I'm just tring to guess; but, could it just be a problem of the audio steram of that movie?
    What happens, if you demuliplex MPG -> MPV+MP2 (or M2V+AC3)?
    Otherwise: load the movie with VirtualDub-MPEG2 (a VirtualDub's modification which is able to load MPEG-2 movies) and you do File___File information, what does it say (both for video and audio)?
    If it's just a problem of the audio stream (that is, the MPV appears having the correct length, but the audio is too short due to s strange sound encoding) you could decompress the audio stream to a simple uncomopressed WAV and re-constuct an audio stream correctly (so it appears haviong the corret length). Maybe some authoring program can even load directly the WAV file, and you should'n need much room free on the DVD, since you've saind that the movie was only 60' long and 3.9 Gb large.
    Its just a guess. Try it and tell me...
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2006
  3. trueblu8

    trueblu8 Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    Problem fixed! Thanks for your help!

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