Mpg.EXE file playing problem. Mp4extract

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by Madburner, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. Madburner

    Madburner Guest

    I recently got a burnt disc from a loss prevention guy at work. He has some video footage if people trying to steal (nothing specictular). But when they burnt the captured video footage and try to play it in their comptuers, it seems to play twice maybe 3x the speed that it's not suppose to be at. Now when they gave me the disc and try to play it in my pc, I won't work at all. I'm not sure if it's because I don't have the video codec (which i don't even know which proper codec is required for something like this)

    I've tried many players/installed several different codecs in try to get this video to work. I ran it through Gspot21, and it didn't give me much info. The file extention ends w/ an .Exe, YOu would think anyone would be able to play this? I'm trying to see if anyone can find this codec or get the video playing. That would be a major score, and the toughest part, once the video playback is fine, How do i slow the speed/frame rate that shows on the video??

    get the video file here

    Im trying to convert the video file from .exe to mpg or mpeg, or avi,
    btw, i have like 5 of other video files as well, but if i can figure out how to do this one, i'll apply them to all 5 video files
  2. alconfay

    alconfay Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    i'm having the same problem but only mine is a hit and run, have u figured it out madburner or can anyone else suggest anything.. thanks for any help..

    cheers, alconfay
  3. alconfay

    alconfay Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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