does anyone find that to many people are addicted to chat on msn chat? you get people who come home and jump onto msn chat to talk to friends they see all day at school, i mean i understand weekends but everyday of the week and every hour? why?
i used to fall into this catagory *hides in shame* lol but it was because like if there is nothing else better to do then you might as wel talk to your mates=] i don't go on it half as much now i go on maybe for a few hours at night most nights but if im doing something like oging out then theres no need because im not bored because im going out lol
ten minutes or never going on is enough for me, dont have anything to do, then get a hobby or something, and dont tell me chatting online is a hobby it is just a waste of time usualy, why not go and water the garden or something? Maybe you could even kill some time by going out and helping your local charity shop or something! Use your time wisely, you may think you have a whole life to live but you never know when what will happen. dont spend hours upon hours on a simple program for which people will soon have to pay to use. EDIT And one more thing, I think this online chat thing is a good idea but not when the person your chatting to lives a few blocks away, or when your gonna see them the next day at school or work or whatever, i only use those programs for people far, far away to whom i can not get to straight away.
yer ur right bt when ur only 16 an most of your m8s liv pretty far away its jus an easy to pop on msn for a while while listening to music jus to chill out =] i knw sum people who can spend like all day on it an i agree tht is way too much msn isnt ment for tht. its basicly the same as ringin sum1 bt easier for me =]
lol,thats me i go home and chat with my friends for ours,but i do other stuff like play games n sh*t and llol i have 356 members/60% which i never talk to.
lol yer thts wot i mean you go on msn but you're like on here or playin games an listenin to music at the same time. I've got about 70 contacts because i deleted all the ones i didnt talk to lol didnt see the point in keepin them. But dont you jus hate when people brag about hw many contacts they have? you'll here somebody say i have 200 contacts blah blah blah an im like so what theres no way on this earth that you talk to evryone of them lol
dont you just hate it when you have some fool sitting at home thinking up addies and then just randomly adding them. i mean go and do something more usefull with your time ffs. Like helping out your parents or whatever.
yer that really anoys me i used to get these wierd old guys pretendin to be young girls sayin "i am young sexi turkish girl" or some crap like that and sendin an invitation to start viewing and sendin webcam. then i got random arab addys comin up but i havnt had any random adds for a while now =]
yeah man, like heaps of my friends get those weird people, i think they get the e-mail addresses from chain-mail.
That chain letter issue reminds me, some punks obtained my email address cos' "certain people" on my contacts list don't use the bloody "Bcc:" field when mass forwarding/ emailing people- that's how strangers manage to forward a chain letter to me, the latest being called "RE: This is for real" ¬_¬ I'm so bloody P'd off, just had to get that off my chest.
hey, i have a problem, my msn dosnt let me see others pictures, i think it has somethin to do with my zone alarm program. please help
try going into the privacy tab and then click on custom under add blocking, and uncheck animation. dunno but it might help. Besides its all about skype now, Skype is great, and you do know that soon people will have to pay for msn.
ROFL @ You BluRay, don't tell me you believe that crap that came in the chain mails? It's only talking about the Hotmail Plus and other MSN Premium services. And the first wave was dated 2001*
oh was it chainmail? i was sent a direct typed letter from a mate, so i believed him. Stupid me. besides like i said i dont use hotmail or msn gmail all the way and skype goes with it to. my hotmail account is filling up with unwanted emails everyday. the last time i checked last month was like 254 messages.