Can any of you people out there help me with this ,,, is it possible to alter sent dates on an email so that they appear to have been sent on the new date without resending them. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated as this is causing me large dose's of bother !!!!! Thanks in advance..
Just out of pure curiosity why would you want to do that. Keep in mind this place is totally anonamous (sp)
I wanted to know because a friend says her exboyfriend has altered her emails to suggest that she was planning to dump him before the event and this is causing a lot of bad feeling amoungst our group of friends .
yeah well i think youre trying to cop an wouldnt happen to be from aruba would you? sounds like girl talk....are you a girl?
No not a girl just a concerned friend who wonders what people who are dropped from a relationship will do to slander their ex's . Only trying to help a friend !!!
forget it man life goes on iam sure both of them will be fine in no time and move on ,thats life bro. happens to everyone sooner or later
i was only kiddin ya.but that is alittle suspicious that you were interested in altering dates on emails.if you were to be involved in a cover up or scam that could be useful those boys in aruba that are being investigated for murder.they said they were on the computer when that girl came up missing.and they are trying to use the time from the messages they sent to each other as an alibi. but anyway,people break up,thats life.try not to take it so goes on.
@aabbccdd damn,i was posting my response at the same time you were.and we said the same exact thing....are you psychic?
lol thats to weird huh ,yes iam iam psychic to a point ,i think we all are. something like that happened the other day i was thinking of a band and a song they did ( Jo Jo Gunn) Run Run Run that i havent heard in years and it wasnt 5 mintues later a freind asked me if i ever heard of Jo Jo Gunn and the song Run Run Run ,very strange how thinks happen like that
its kinda like the matrix effect.whereas,if you didnt think of that band 5 minutes earlier,would your friend had mentioned the band?...but that will leave you with all kinds of paranoid thoughts of how your actions and thoughts can change the future.right now im thinking of paris hilton coming over my house and making love to me...