MTK Win Flash

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by Melevelin, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. Melevelin

    Melevelin Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Trying to format a Samsung SD-616T for my Xbox, but I have a few questions about using this program. Any help would be much appreciated.
    1. Where do I acquire MTK Win Flash V1.5.3.3, and what program would I need to run it from?
    2. How do I upload firmware from my original xbox drive?
    3. Using IDE, will I need to open my CPU hard drive?
    .................Thank you

    HALO2XBOX Guest

    Yes you'll need to open your computer and hook your dvd rom up to it, so you can flash it. I've done the research to find all of this stuff, pain in the ,<. Go to this web-site and click on firmware, it'll offer you everything from MTK-WinFlash to Firmware for Samsung SD 605 ( for SD 616T for XBOX ) Let me know if you need anymore help. ARSR9 Yahoo Messenger. HALO2

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