According to the official Nintendo standpoint, it is not possible to play multiplayer GBA games since the DS does not have the necessary hardware to connect the GameLink cable. Is there a non-official way to do this? Like using a G6 software through WiFi or something? Or am I asking for the impossible? (yet again! ) Thanks, LarrxX
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it would take some hefty programming to get it up and running. As far as I know, there's no way of doing it at this point.
Seems like something I could sink my teeth into. Looking at a lot of unemployed spare time in the near future But I've never worked on this type of project any leads would be more than welcome: SDK for the G6, info about the GBA GameLink protocol and the DS WiFi protocol, etc... Will post eventually if I get around to it in the next few weeks.
this is about the best guide out right now: also check out
An interesting projecet indeed. If someone could pull it off it would certainly be a handy piece of work...